Friday 12 October 2012

First ever blog

Hi! so this is my first blog ever. I would like to be anonymous as you can see my blog name is Chelonagirl, Chelona means turtle in greek and like a turtle I am very very shy who would always hide in her shells.
“Even a turtle will eventually reach its destination.” 

More about what would be in my blog, I am from Manila. So hopefully I can update you guys about  all the 411 whats new,what hot in Philly. I will be posting random stuffs REALLY REALLY RANDOM stuffs from recipes to makeups to travel and food and even my diet "journey".

So why did I make this blog, as you can see I am not that kinda person who are willing to express her own opinion and I would like keep it to myself but hopefully with these blog I CAN, and be a better person in the future.

WARNING for the grammar nazis!! I would like to apologize in advance if you notice some grammar error I am not that smarty pants and english is not my native language. So,yeah this blog will be taglish tagalog-english. And I will try my best to make this blog very interesting in your taste bud!

these are my helpers for this blog I have with me my Macbook Air and my iPhone oh yeah! Apple fan right here!! and my Legria HF18 for videos. 

thats all for now. Ciao!!

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